
Discord Poll Bot Reaction Based

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Breee CodeFactor

Discord Poll Bot Raidquaza

  • Bot to create polls via discord.


Try it out and add it to your discord:

Discord Bots

upvote if you like it :)

Questions? I'm Bree#2002 @ Discord

Docker image: https://cloud.docker.com/repository/docker/breedocker/raidquaza

Discord server: https://discord.gg/Mamfk3Q


Commands consist of a prefix and an alias.

The default prefix is just your bot user: @bot_user_name#1337. You can set a custom prefix using @bot_user_name#1337 set_prefix !, to set the prefix to !.


  • @bot_user_name#1337 help display help
  • @bot_user_name#1337 ping ping the bot
  • @bot_user_name#1337 uptime return how long the bot is operational.


  • @bot_user_name#1337 poll <title> <option_1> .. <option_17> to create a new poll with number reactions.
  • @bot_user_name#1337 simplepoll <title> <option_1> .. <option_21> to create a new poll without number reactions Polls may have at most 17 vote options, as discord supports a maximum of 21 reactions the bot adds 4 extra reactions. Simple Polls have at most 21 reactions


1. Requirements:

2. Configuration:

Copy the file config.py.dist to config.py (or create it). The configuration file is plain python and looks as follows:

import os

# Directory where the log file of the bot shall be stored
LOG_PATH = os.getenv("BOT_LOG_PATH", "./log")

Discord Section.
# The Token of your botuser.
BOT_TOKEN = os.getenv("BOT_TOKEN", "xxxxx")
# Discord Status
PLAYING = os.getenv("TAG", "BLA")

Poll Section.
# The host of the DB in which we store polls
POLL_DB_HOST = os.getenv("POLL_DB_HOST", "localhost")
# The user of the DB
POLL_DB_USER = os.getenv("POLL_DB_USER", "pollman")
# The password of user POLL_DB_USER
POLL_DB_PASSWORD = os.getenv("POLL_DB_PASSWORD", "bestpw")
# The port of the DB-server
POLL_DB_PORT = os.getenv("POLL_DB_PORT", 3306)
# The name of the DB in which we store polls
POLL_DB_NAME = os.getenv("POLL_DB_NAME", "polldb")
# The dialect of the database-server
POLL_DB_DIALECT =  os.getenv("POLL_DB_DIALECT", "mysql")
# The driver of the database-server
POLL_DB_DRIVER =  os.getenv("POLL_DB_DRIVER", "mysqlconnector")

3. Deploy:


Fill in everything necessary in config.py or set ENV variables accordingly.

Install python3 requirements

We recommend to use a virtual environment.

python3 -m venv raidquaza-venv
source raidquaza-venv/bin/activate

Then install the requirements.

pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt

Start the bot


python3 start_bot.py

Deploy with docker

We expect you to know about docker, docker-compose and how you deploy..

There is a docker-compose.yml file located in the root directory.

version: '2.4'
    image: breedocker/raidquaza
    entrypoint: ["/entrypoint.sh"]
      - "BOT_TOKEN=xxxx"
      - "BOT_PREFIX=!"
      - "POLL_DB_HOST=poll-db"
      - "POLL_DB_PORT=3306"
      - "POLL_DB_NAME=polldb"
      - "POLL_DB_USER=pollman"
      - "POLL_DB_PASSWORD=bestpw"
      - "POLL_DB_DIALECT=mysql"
      - "POLL_DB_DRIVER=mysqlconnector"
      - ./raidquaza/:/usr/src/app/
    restart: always
      - poll-db
      - default

    image: mariadb
      - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root1234"
      - "MYSQL_DATABASE: polldb"
      - "MYSQL_USER: pollman"
      - "MYSQL_PASSWORD: bestpw"
    command: ['mysqld', '--character-set-server=utf8mb4', '--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci']
      - ./volumes/mysql/db:/var/lib/mysql
    restart: always
      - default

To bring the services up, simply docker-compose up -d poll-db, docker-compose up -d raidquaza.