This resource was made for ND_Framework. This allows LEO to fine Civilians for their charges. This script is fully chat-based, if you have any knowledge in html or css or anything of that nature feel free to fork this and remake with that side of coding.
/fine <id> <amount> <reason>
- This command will deduct money from the targeted player for the desired amount entered. - Requires NDFines.leo
Ace permission.
The following can be found in the config.lua
Prefix = "^3[^1Police^3] ",
Fine = {
Toggle = true,
Command = "fine",
MaxValue = 1001, MaxText = "$1000." -- Sets the maxium amount an officer can fine for.
DiscordLogs = {
Toggle = false,
Webhook = ''
Debug = {
Toggle = false
You can toggle the command on or off, change the commands to your preference & set the maximun amount a player can be fined for.
Please message me on discord if you come across any errors when using this resource or if you would like to make a suggestion.
Discord: Breezy#0001