=> Creating a React website for a “Book Store”

The purpose of this task

  • understand how useContext can solve the problem of global state in React applications
  • deepen the technical skills of implementing useContext in a React application

What the “customer” wants for Christmas 🎄:

Rule for the task:

  • uses the hooks learned so far as needed (useContext MUST be used)

    ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ => This is what your PAGE should look like afterwards <= ‼️ ‼️ ‼️


  • Make the name entry process more professional and improve user experience
  • Display of the waiting time when the page loads slowly (waiting spinners)
  • Give the user the ability to not only add books to cart but also remove books from cart
  • For books of which more than one copy is ordered, display them together in the shopping cart, e.g. "2x titles"
  • When you reload the page, the shopping cart should still be there with the previously selected books.
  • Instead of a "Dark Mode", add a "Christmas Mode" 🎅🎄🤶🎄🧑‍🎄


You can either implement the project alone or code in pair programming (2 people)/mob programming (>2 people): --> What is Pair Programming/ Mob Programming??? 🖥️

  • A developer (driver/pilot) takes control, writes the code and shares his screen via Zoom 👏
  • The remaining developers (navigators) simultaneously check the correctness of the code and develop possible solutions 👀
  • There is almost no division of tasks as all developers have equal rights 👥
  • The roles are changed continuously 🔄
  • 🤝 So everyone looks at the same code and participates equally in the conversation via Zoom. 💬
