Basics for RESTFul APIs in a demystified way
- SecurityChain - Simplified authorization and user roles check using SecurityHelper interface
- ExceptionHandlingFilter - Annoying non-api exceptions won't be written within responses (empty InternalServerError instead)
- API Exceptions - HTTP status: RFC2616 and RFC4918 compliance:
- 400 - BadRequestException
- 401 - UnauthorizedException
- 402 - PaymentRequiredException
- 403 - ForbiddenException
- 404 - NotFoundException
- 406 - NotAcceptableException
- 407 - ProxyAuthenticationRequiredException
- 408 - RequestTimeoutException
- 409 - ConflictException
- 410 - GoneException
- 411 - LenghtRequiredException
- 412 - PreconditionFailedException
- 413 - RequestEntityTooLargeException
- 415 - UnsupportedMediaTypeException
- 416 - RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableException
- 417 - ExpectationFailedException
- 422 - UnprocessableEntityException
- 423 - LockedException
- 424 - FailedDependencyException
- 500 - InternalServerErrorException
- 501 - NotImplementedException
- 502 - BadGatewayException
- 503 - ServiceUnavailableException
- 504 - GatewayTimeoutException
- 507 - InsufficientStorageException
##Usage ###SecurityChain A SecurityChain requires an implementation of SecurityHelper
SecurityHelper helper = MySecurityHelper();
SecurityChain.of(helper).checkDenyAll() //Optional
.checkPermitAll() //Optional
.checkAdmin() //Optional
###ExceptionHandlingFilter Same as every Filter (Remember: This must be the first filter to be handled). Within your web.xml