
A simple script which assigns clinical schools and pathways to students based on their preferences.

Adding Schools

Add a text file in csv format where the column ____ is ____

  • 1: School Name
  • 2: Capacity for Year 4
  • 3: Capacity for Year 5
  • 4: 'M' if Metro and 'R' if Rural

Adding Pathways

Add a text file in csv format where the column ____ is ____

  • 1: Pathway Name
  • 2: Capacity for the Pathway

Adding Students

Assuming there are n schools and m pathways

Add a text file in csv format where the column ____ is ____

  • 1: Student Name
  • 2 to n + 1: Ranks for Year 4 Schools
  • n + 2 to 2n + 1: Ranks for Year 5 Schools
  • 2n + 2 to 2n + m + 1: Ranks for Pathways
  • 2n + m + 2 to 2n + m + 4: Rank for Year 4, Year 5, Pathway

For the example cohort in csv/students_ex

The order of schools will match the order in the school file

The order of pathways will match the order of the pathway file

Using the program

Install the Packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Program

python3 placements.py [schools file] [students file]


python3 -B placements.py csv/schools_ex csv/pathways_ex csv/students_ex

Current Constraints

  • Every student gets assigned 1 school in Year 4, Year 5 and 1 Pathway
  • At least 1 school must be metro
  • A higher preference for pathways scales you down year 4 and year 5 etc
  • Rural ranks can be scaled so that rural schools are prioritied over metros