Creating promo codes with categories in SAMP
Include in your code and begin using the library:
#include <promo-code>
public OnGameModeInit()
PromoCodeCategoryCreate("Skill TEC9");
return 1;
forward OnPlayerPromoCodeActivation(playerid, const name[], promo_code_id, activation_count, remaining_activation_count);
public OnPlayerPromoCodeActivation(playerid, const name[], promo_code_id, activation_count, remaining_activation_count)
new category_value;
if(GetPromoCodeCategoryName(promo_code_id, "Skill TEC9", category_value))
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, 32, category_value);
if(GetPromoCodeCategoryName(promo_code_id, "Money", category_value))
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, category_value);
// Mysql R39-6 save example
static const mysql_str[] = "UPDATE promo_code SET activation_count=%d,remaining_activation_count=%d WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1";
new string[ sizeof(mysql_str) + PC_MAX_NAME_SIZE + 10 + 10];
mysql_format(mysql, string, sizeof(string), mysql_str, activation_count, remaining_activation_count, name);
mysql_tquery(mysql, string);
return 0;
forward OnPlayerPromoCodeCreate(playerid, const name[], remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, const category_names[], const category_value[]);
public OnPlayerPromoCodeCreate(playerid, const name[], remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, const category_names[], const category_value[])
printf("Create --->>> name: %s | remaining_activation_count: %d | expiration_date: %d | category_names: '%s' | category_value: '%s' |",
name, remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, category_names, category_value);
// Mysql R39-6 save example
static const mysql_str[] = "INSERT INTO promo_code (`name`,`activation_count`,`remaining_activation_count`,`expiration_date`,`category_names`,`category_value`) VALUE ('%s','0','%d','%d','%s','%s')";
new string[ sizeof(mysql_str) + PC_MAX_NAME_SIZE + 10 + 10 +( (PC_MAX_CATEGORY_NAME_SIZE+1) * PC_MAX_CATEGORY_IN_PROMO_CODE ) + ( 11 * PC_MAX_CATEGORY_IN_PROMO_CODE ) ];
mysql_format(mysql, string, sizeof(string), mysql_str, name, remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, category_names, category_value);
mysql_query(mysql, string);
return 1;
forward OnPlayerPromoCodeEdit(playerid, const old_name[], const new_name[], remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, const category_names[], const category_value[]);
public OnPlayerPromoCodeEdit(playerid, const old_name[], const new_name[], remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, const category_names[], const category_value[])
printf("Edit --->>> old_name: %s | new_name: %s | remaining_activation_count: %d | expiration_date: %d | category_names: '%s' | category_value: '%s' |",
old_name, new_name, remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, category_names, category_value);
// Mysql R39-6 save example
static const mysql_str[] = "UPDATE promo_code SET name='%s',remaining_activation_count=%d,expiration_date=%d,category_names='%s',category_value='%s' WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1";
new string[ sizeof(mysql_str) + PC_MAX_NAME_SIZE + 10 + 10 +( (PC_MAX_CATEGORY_NAME_SIZE+1) * PC_MAX_CATEGORY_IN_PROMO_CODE ) + ( 11 * PC_MAX_CATEGORY_IN_PROMO_CODE ) ];
mysql_format(mysql, string, sizeof(string), mysql_str, new_name, remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, category_names, category_value, old_name);
mysql_tquery(mysql, string);
return 1;
forward OnPlayerPromoCodeDelete(playerid, const name[], promo_code_id);
public OnPlayerPromoCodeDelete(playerid, const name[], promo_code_id)
printf("Delete --->>> name: %s | promo_code_id: %d |",
name, promo_code_id);
// Mysql R39-6 save example
static const mysql_str[] = "DELETE FROM promo_code WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1";
new string[sizeof(mysql_str) + PC_MAX_NAME_SIZE];
mysql_format(mysql, string, sizeof(string), mysql_str, name);
mysql_tquery(mysql, string);
return 1;
public OnPlayerPromoCodeActivation(playerid, const name[], promo_code_id, activation_count, remaining_activation_count)
Called when the promo code is activated
- Promo code namepromo_code_id
- The ID of the code nameactivation_count
- Number of activationsremaining_activation_count
- how many activations are left (Returns: -1 if infinite)- NOTE: Always use 'return 0;' at the end if the promo code is activated
public OnPlayerPromoCodeCreate(playerid, const name[], remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, const category_names[], const category_value[])
Called when creating a promo code
- Promo code nameremaining_activation_count
- number of activations left (Return: -1 if infinite)expiration_date
- validity periodgettime()
- category namescategory_value[]
- category values
public OnPlayerPromoCodeEdit(playerid, const old_name[], const new_name[], remaining_activation_count, expiration_date, const category_names[], const category_value[])
Called when editing a promo code
- old promo code namenew_name[]
- new promo code nameremaining_activation_count
- number of activations left (Return: -1 if infinite)expiration_date
- validity periodgettime()
- category namescategory_value[]
- category values
Called when the promo code is deleted
- Promo code namepromo_code_id
- The ID of the code name
Create a promo code
List of promo codes
Create a promo code category
- Category name- Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success
PromoCodeLoad(const name[], activation_count, remainin_activation_count, expiration_date, const category_names[], const category_values[])
Load promo code
- Promo code nameactivation_count
- how many activationsremainin_activation_count
- number of activations left (Return: -1 if infinite)expiration_date
- validity periodgettime()
- category namescategory_values[]
- category values- Returns (0) on failure or promo code id
Delete promo code
- Promo code namebool:callback
- call 'OnPlayerPromoCodeDelete' on delete- Returns (0) on failure or promo code id
Check the promo code for creation
- Promo code name- Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success
Activate a promo code
- Promo code nameerrorid
- error number (PROMO_CODE_ACTIVATIONS_ENDED (2) || PROMO_CODE_EXPIRED (3))- Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success
Check a promo code for a certain category
- The ID of the code namefind_category[]
- name of the category to search for&category_value
- returns the category value- Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success
Compare the promo code name ( function analogue strcmp )
- first namename2[]
- second name- Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success
#define PC_MAX_PROMO_CODE 300
#define PC_MAX_NAME_SIZE 32
#define PC_MAX_CATEGORY 100
#define PC_MAX_DIALOG_LISTITEM_SIZE 20 // max dialog list lines
#define PC_COLOR_1 "{F5D742}" // 0xF5D742
#define PC_COLOR_2 "{8fce00}" // 0x8fce00
#define PC_COLOR_3 "{f44747}" // 0xf44747