Project which reads nuget dependencies and has options for output
dotnet NugetTree.dll "C:\path\to\solutionfile.sln" [output type(s)]
Available outputs:
-c "Conflicts" => lists version mismatches by dependency name
-f "Flat" => lists all dependencies by project in a flattened view
-t "Tree" => lists full nuget dependency tree
-fv "Framework Version" => lists projects by targeted framework
-nr "Non-Recursive" => lists only top level dependencies, by project
dotnet NugetTree.dll "NugetTree.sln" -c
Multiple outputs can be passed at the same time and will be displayed in the same order they appear in the argument list
dotnet NugetTree.dll "NugetTree.sln" -t -c
- Clone this repository.
- Make sure that you have dotnet installed on your machine (Core 3.1).
- Navigate to the NugetTree directory and run dotnet build. This will build the solution and place an executable .dll inside the
directory. - Execute the dll using the command
dotnet src/NugetTree/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/NugetTree.dll "../" -t
with the path to the solution file.