
Do-not-disturb team status OS X menu app

Primary LanguageSwift


Do-not-disturb team status OS X menu app



  • Flask microframework
  • MongoDB


Replace MONGO_URL_HERE with the path to your MongoDB server or provider. Replace DB_NAME_HERE with database / deployment name. MongoEngine will automatically create a collection called 'flow' when you add users.

Deploy to Heroku (example)

  1. Create app in the Heroku dashboard

  2. Init git repo

     git init
     heroku git:remote -a HEROKU_APP_NAME_HERE
  3. Commit files

     git add .
     git commit -m "Flow server"
  4. Deploy to Heroku

     git push heroku master
  5. Use server location in OS X app configuration below

Add users

POST /flow

name name of user
status 0 or 1 (👋 or 🚫)


  • Runs in the OS X menu bar
  • Drag-and-drop target to Applications, right click > open to launch
  • Add to Login Items to run on startup
  • Click a name to toggle status


Replace SERVER_URL_HERE with the path to the deployed server url.


Build the app with the live server configured. Copy / share target (Flow.app) with members of your team.