
Convert Blender node groups to a Python add-on

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Node to Python

Node To Python Logo

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub


A Blender add-on to create scripts and add-ons! This add-on will take your Geometry Nodes or Materials and convert them into legible Python code.

Node To Python automatically handles node layout, default values, subgroups, naming, colors, and more!

Blender's node-based editors are powerful, yet accessible tools, and I wanted to make scripting them easier for add-on creators. Combining Python with node based setups allows you to do things that would otherwise be tedious or impossible, such as

  • for loops
  • creating different node trees for different versions or settings
  • interfacing with other parts of the software or properties of an object

Supported Versions

NodeToPython v3.0 is supported for Blender 3.0 - 4.0 on Windows, macOS, and Linux. I generally try to update the add-on to handle new nodes around the beta release of each update.


  1. Download the NodeToPython.zip file from the latest release
    • If you download other options, you'll need to rename the zip and the first folder to "NodeToPython" so Blender can properly import the add-on
  2. In Blender, navigate to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons
  3. Click Install, and find where you downloaded the zip file. Then hit the Install Add-on button, and you're done!


Once you've installed the add-on, you'll see a new tab in any Node Editor's sidebar. You can open this with keyboard shortcut N when focused in the Node Editor.

In the tab, there's panels to create add-ons for Geometry Nodes and Materials, each with a drop-down menu.

Add-on Location

Select the node group you want code for, and you'll be prompted with a Script or Add-on option.

  • Script mode creates a function that generates the node tree and copies it to your Blender clipboard.
    • Doesn't include import bpy line
    • To keep NodeToPython cross-platform and independent of third-party libraries, to get it into your system clipboard you need to paste into the Blender text editor and recopy it currently
  • Add-on mode generates a zip file for you in the save directory specified in the NodeToPython menu. From here, you can install it like a regular add-on. The generated add-on comes complete with operator registration and creating a modifier/material for the node tree to be used in.
    • The current default operator install location is in the Object menu

Future Plans

  • Investigate drivers and keyframes
  • A better default operator install location for generated add-ons
  • A development repository with useful scripts and tests
  • Better handling of more setting types, including
    • Image sequences
    • Movie clips
    • Materials
    • Objects
    • Textures
    • Text objects
    • Scenes
    • Particle systems
    • Fonts
    • Masks
    • Cryptomatte entries
    • Image format settings
    • File slots
    • Layer slots
  • Automatic detection of the minimum/maximum version of Blender compatible with a generated add-on
  • Autoformatting of generated code

Bug Reports and Suggestions

When submitting an issue, please include

  • Your version of Blender
  • Your operating system
  • A short description of what you were trying to accomplish, or steps to reproduce the issue.
  • Sample blend files are more than welcome!

Got suggestions? Create an issue, happy to hear what features people want.