Request to be added as a collaborator on this project
rtraborn opened this issue · 3 comments
I made a few small additions to the bghandbook.git and want to send out a pull request
It's appropriate for you to have those permissions, so I'll go ahead and add you. But you don't need to be a collaborator to send a pull request. Take another look at the Collaboration section in this document. Except during initial setup, one should not pushing directly to the BrendelGroup repo.
Let me know if anything is still unclear.
Thanks- and you're right, there's no need for me to push into this repo. I just forked it into my repo and pushed the changes from a new local branch and sent you a pull request. This is much more kosher anyway.
You should have access to the repo now, so when I send PRs in the future, you should be able to review and merge them.