Cartoon Cats


Cartoon Cats API

Getting Started

Use this template to get started.

Learning Objectives

  • Create a GET endpoint using Express that returns an array of objects
  • Create a GET endpoint using Express that returns a single object based on the id and
  • Test Express controller routes expectations using Jest and Supertest
  • Explain how Express tries routes, in what order, and when it will stop or continue
  • Deploy an Express application on Heroku


Welcome to your first Express app! We're going to be building out two different endpoints that returns information about cartoon cats listed in the data/cats.js file. For today's deliverable, you will be focused on the controllers section of the lib folder.

Your tests have been provided for you -- before you start, read through the tests to understand what is expected to be returned from your endpoints.

The only code you need to add in this deliverable is in controllers/cats.js -- take a look at line 10 in lib/app.js to see how the controllers are connected via namespaces to the application.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A user should be able to visit /cats and see a list of cats with their id and name (note: do NOT return the entire array of cats - only the id and name)
  • A user should be able to visit /cats/:id and see all the detailed information about the cat with the corresponding id


Task Points
Deployed on Heroku 2
/cats/ route returns list of cats' names and ids 4
/cats/:id route returns detailed cat information 4