Secret Treehouse


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Learning Objectives

  • Use private routes to enforce auth
  • Retain URL if redirected by auth failure
  • Redirect to an auth page if no user detected


The Secret Treehouse is a place where a user can log in and see the other members of the treehouse. It demonstrates how you can create a <PrivateRoute> component that combines the functionality of React Router's <Route> and <Redirect> components and determines which one to use based on our app's state (which is stored in a React Context).

However, it's a bit buggy in its current form! We need to make some adjustments to make sure everything works.

NOTE: After making the necessary fixes, the pre-existing tests should pass.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The fields on the login form update when typed in
  • The login form allows users to sign in based on the credentials stored in the .env file
    • If the credentials matched (ie. auth.login returned true), then redirect to the URL stored in location.state.from
    • If auth.login fails, set an error message to display to the user
  • Only authenticated (signed in) users can view the /treehouse/members page
  • Existing tests pass


Task Points
Login form fixed 4
/treehouse/members route is private 4
Existing tests pass 2