
This is a vital repository for the Binary trees project from ALX

Primary LanguageC

Binary Trees

Welcome to the Binary Trees project! This project aims to provide a comprehensive implementation and exploration of binary trees in various programming languages. Binary trees are fundamental data structures widely used in computer science and software development.

Table of Contents


Binary trees are hierarchical data structures composed of nodes, each containing a value and references to its left and right children (subtrees). They are extensively used in algorithms such as binary search trees, heaps, and expression trees.

This project provides implementations of binary trees in different programming languages, along with various operations and algorithms associated with them.


  • Implementation of binary trees in multiple programming languages.
  • Common operations such as insertion, deletion, traversal, and searching.
  • Algorithms like tree traversal (inorder, preorder, postorder), height calculation, and more.
  • Comprehensive test suites to ensure correctness and robustness.


Getting Started

To get started with the Binary Trees project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/binary-trees.git

Choose your preferred programming language directory. Follow the language-specific instructions in the README of that directory to build and run the code. Usage The usage of the binary tree implementations may vary depending on the programming language you choose. Refer to the specific README files within each language directory for detailed usage instructions, examples, and API documentation.