A (very) simple php script for parsing project files for TODO comments and structuring it into a website.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A (very) simple php script for parsing project files for TODO comments and structuring it into a website.

Please note that I am not a professional PHP programmer and this code is provided as-is. I haven't bothered to put in extensive error checking.


Change the variable $directory to your projects directory.

For example:

$directory = "C:/Projects/project/";

You can change how it finds "todo" lines within the code with this line of code:

if(strpos($line, "TODO :") || strpos($line, "TODO:") || strpos($line, "todo:") || strpos($line, "todo :"))

You can change how much code is shown with this line of code:

$code = substr($contents, $match[0]-strlen($match[2]), 1000);

Change the $match[0]-strlen($match[2]) and 1000 to your fitting.

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