
An update/rework of Heli Crashes by Darth Rogue to work with ExileZ Mod.

Primary LanguageSQF

ExileZ Crashes by [FPS]kuplion - Based on Heli Crashes by Darth Rogue

This is a modification of Heli Crashes by Darth Rogue to allow it to work with ExileZ Mod and spawn Zombies around the crashes, much like the classic DayZ Mod crashsites.


Classic DayZ Mod style crashsites

Loot scattered around the wrecks

Dynamic Zombie spawning


ExileZ Mod (http://www.exilemod.com/topic/22531-release-exilez-mod-by-fpskuplion-based-on-exilez-20-by-patrix87/)

Zombies and Demons (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277)

ExileMod (http://www.exilemod.com/downloads/)

Upcoming Changes

Code optimisation

More wrecks / loot positions




1: Edit the main settings in 'exilez_crashes\config.sqf'.

2: Add 'ExileClient_system_lootManager_thread_spawn.sqf' to your CfgExileCustomCode.

3: Edit 'exilez_crashes\wrecks\wreckLootPositions.hpp' with any additional wrecks and loot positions.

4: Make sure too add those wrecks to the config file ('exilez_crashes\config.sqf').

5: Pack 'exilez_crashes.pbo' with either PBO Manager 1.4b x64 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369) or Eliteness/MikeRo tools if you have them.

6: Place 'exilez_crashes.pbo' in your '@ExileServer\addons' folder.


If you feel so inclined, donations can be sent to PayPal donate@FriendlyPlayerShooting.com


Original code base by Darth_Rogue, Vampire, xBowBii, and Richie


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)