create-react-app-vite Typecheck Test Build Lint Depfu

Simple CRA style Vite teimpate.
Create plain and lightweight React+TS programming environment.
And a easy migration base for create-react-app to Vite.

This is a Vite template top of the official Vite react-ts template(npm init vite@latest myapp -- --template react-ts) and some extended setup.
I'd like to keep CRA like experience as much as possible, So improving/adding feature Rull Request is really welcome!

All npm package are keeping least release version powered by Depfu.


npx degit laststance/create-react-app-vite myapp


cd myapp
npm install
npm run validate
npm start


cd myapp
pnpm i
pnpm validate
pnpm start


cd myapp
yarn validate
yarn start


yarn dev       # start development server
yarn start     # start development server
yarn validate  # run test,lint,build,typecheck concurrently
yarn test      # run jest
yarn lint      # run eslint
yarn lint:fix  # run eslint with --fix option
yarn typecheck # run TypeScript compiler check
yarn build     # build production bundle to 'dist' directly
yarn prettier  # run prettier for json|yml|css|md|mdx files
yarn clean     # remove 'node_modules' 'yarn.lock' 'dist' completely
yarn serve     # launch server for production bundle in local


The evolution of the React framework is accelerating more than ever before.
Next.js, Remix, RedwoodJS, Gatsby, Blitz etc...

Ahthough I still need plain React programming starter some reason. (.e.g Demo, Experiment like Deep Dive React Core.)
So far, create-react-app was it.
In short, create-react-app development couldn't say active. Please read the Issue in details.

So I created an alternative to create-react-app for myself, based on Vite.
This project contains my very opinionted setup,
but I hope it will be a useful tool for people who have similar needs to mine! 😀



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 📖 ⚠️

Hung Viet Nguyen


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!