
Scooter rental web app, using full-stack JavaScript and SQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A single-page application for renting scooters. Built with React, Redux, NodeJS, Express, Postgres and uses the AWS S3 JavaScript SDK and the Google Maps API.


  • 3 different user roles (admin, manager, user), each with different permissions levels
  • Custom authentication using NodeJS, bcrypt, jsonwebtoken, and Postgres
  • Can use the map to find available scooters within the map bounds
  • Admin and manager roles can edit the scooter details through CRUD operations that interact with Postgres through an independent API
  • Can filter list of scooters by details such as color and dates available
  • Admin users can perform CRUD operations on users

Technology used

  • API created with NodeJS, Express, SQL
  • Authentication with bcrypt, and jsonwebtoken (jwt saved in browser local storage)
  • PostgreSQL database
  • UI created with React; Redux for shared state; React-table for tables
  • Google Maps API
  • AWS S3 SDK for storing scooter images

How to start the app

  1. Start the PostgreSQL database
  2. node api/index.js for the API
  3. yarn start for the UI
  4. yarn test for the unit tests