Card Seller Location Project


  • Node >= 6 and npm >= 5.2


Make sure these ports are not using by any other program.

  • 3000 (client)
  • 3001 (server)


  • Access client/src/core.
  • Copy endpoint.dist.js and paste naming it to endpoint.js.


  • To start server access server folder and execute npm start using terminal.
  • To start client access client folder and execute npm start using terminal.
  • Access localhost:3000 clicking here.

Architecture revision

What technologies were used?

  • React for front-end
  • Node.js for back-end

How back-end works?

  • Basically using express it creates an endpoint.
  • To show where each worker must go has been created multiple arrays simulating distance between a store to multiple workers then sorting asc and getting first item which is shortest distance.
  • Endpoint print a json containing workers and places to go by worker.

How front-end works?

  • It gets back-end json and create an Expansion Panel using Material-ui theme.

What paradigm is used?

  • Functional paradigm was used for both apps (client and server). Functional helps code be more humam-readable and easy to understand.

Additional Notes

  • I spent about 5 hours to create the scaffolding and create the current code.