###Spring MVC + thymeleaf/BootStrap 4+EXTjs 6+ Angular 7 project
####1. Check
$java -version
$export JAVA_HOME = ...
$mvn -version
####2. Build
$mvn clean install
####3. Preparing repotrs
$mvn site
$mvn site:stage
check: ``<project>/target/stage/index.html``
####4. Travis CI integration
####5. Use embedded jetty server for REST application test
mvn -pl rest/ jetty:run
Once started, the REST server should be available at:
curl -v localhost:8088/groups
curl -v localhost:8088/groups/1
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"groupId":1,"shortName":"A12","fullName":"Architecture 12","groupAvgMarks":6.75}' -v localhost:8088/groups/1
curl -X "DELETE" localhost:8088/groups/1
####6.Use embedded jetty server for WEB application test
Set variable PORT, in rest.properties in rest-client module, equal 8088
Set variable App, in rest.properties in rest-client module, to empty value
mvn -pl rest-client/ clean install
mvn -pl web-app/ clean install
mvn -pl web-app/ jetty:run
Once started, the application should be available at:
####1.Install ruby ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ruby-full
####2. download Sencha cmd ubuntu: http://cdn.sencha.com/cmd/
####3. unzip archive
####4. install Sencha Cmd from unziped file
####5. reboot
####6. download extJS GPL SDK and unpack it
run: sencha config --prop {path-to-sdk}\ext-6.2.0 --save
####6. go to EXTjs application folder
####7. run: sencha workspace init
####8. goto Extjs/BizDash folder of an application
####9. run sencha app watch
####10. App will be available at http://localhost:1841/BizDash
####11. App is expecting server at localhost:8088
#Reactive Mongo