Todo List with Flask


Use Flask to create a simple todo list.


Learning Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should understand:

  • Simple database usage
  • Testing Flask applications



  • A Git repo called flask-todo containing at least:
    • file explaining how to run your project
    • a requirements.txt file
    • a suite of tests for your project


  • Passing unit tests
  • No PEP8 or Pyflakes warnings or errors

Normal Mode

Use Flask to create a simple todo list that looks similar to the following:


You will need to handle three situations:

  • Showing the main todo list
  • Submitting a new todo
  • Deleting checked todos

The new todo form and current todos form should be separate HTML forms.

Your application should be tested.

Hard Mode

In addition to the requirements from Normal Mode:

  • Add in a way to edit current todos.
  • Change the behavior from deleting checked todos to marking them as done and removing them from the page. Then add a new page to show completed todos.