Welcome to my game built entirely in JavaScript. It uses a linear quest and story chain to reduce health based on decision!
- Text input for user name
- Radio buttons for user Race
- Form Submit button
- On form submit
Generate a user object using the form data (generateUser)
- write TDD
- Write function - utils.js
- User Object in lab notes.
Store user data in localStorage (setUser)
- Always use for localStorage
- Not as complex as e-commerce. More like pokeDex LS.
Redirect to the map page
- List of links for each quest (genertaed fromt he quest-data)
- Link should not be clickable if the user has already compelted the quest
- [x]Link should contrian a URL search parameter containing the quest ID
- On page load -- a bunch of game logic that we're punting on (TBD)
- Title
- Description
- Quest Image
- Quest Choices (radio buttons)
- On page load, get the quest ID from URL search parameters and load the quest data onto the page.
- On form submit
- update the user data
- redirect to the map page
- avatar info
- load profile in quest.js end of event listener
- Place links on map
- map.css
- displayLink & displaySpan
- End Game Screen
- Chacter summary
- Death screen vs survive screen
- reset button that clears LS and goes to homepage
- Prize based on gold if time allowed
- Avatar, hp, and gold on each page