One of my favourite Conky desktops. I run this on Manjaro but should work with any Linux desktop providing it supports the Conky package.
Depending on what OS you are running...
RedHat based systems:
yum install conky
Debian based systems:
apt-get install conky-all
Arch based systems:
pacman -Sy --noconfirm conky can figure out the rest.
Create the Conky config directory:
mkdir -p ~/.config/conky
Create an emppty Conky config file:
touch ~/.config/conky/conky.conkyrc
and paste the contents from my conky.conkyrc file.
Create a a script to run Conky at boot:
echo -e '#!/bin/bash \n sleep 10 && conky -d -c ~/.config/conky/conky.conkyrc &' >>
It's up to you to figure out how to trigger the script at boot. This is dependent on your OS and/or desktop environment.
- Upload your own icon to ~/.config/conky/icon.png
- Play with the --WINDOW & BORDERS SETTINGS to make it work with your graphics card, and screen resolution
- Update the font size if it is too small or large on your system
- Add your own storage volumes and mount points under the Storage section. List them running
at the terminal. - Use your own Wi-Fi and Wired NIC names. Replace all instances of wlp58s0 (Wi-Fi) and enp0s20f0u1 (Wired). Find them by running
ip link show
athe the terminal. - Check out the full list of Conky Objects
- Use the
execi <frequency_in_sec> nmcli <shell_command>
to output native linux commands to the desktop. - Have fun!