
BLE advertising sensor node. Modified Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 with MS8607 sensor and 2.7µA deep sleep current

Primary LanguageC++


BLE advertising sensor node. Using a modified Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 with MS8607 sensor and 2.7µA deep sleep current

Modifications to the ItsyBitsy nRF52840

  • Dotstar LED removed
  • LDO regulator removed
  • Sensor MS8607 is powered via GPIO pin

Software Optimizations

  • Sensor data is transmitted as BLE advertising broadcast
  • no permanent connection to central with notify any more
  • delay() before measurement und BLE activation uses 2,7 µA (!)
  • Soft reset (NVIC_SystemReset();) after measurement and advertising. Otherwise the Nordic Softmodem stays active and consumes 274 µA!