Required Libraries and Versions:

  • Python: 3.x
  • Numpy: 1.12
  • Scipy: 0.18
  • h5py
  • xml.etree.ElementTree
  • multiprocessing
  • PIL
  • six.moves.cPickle
  • functools

What this Repo Do?

It converts several popular datasets into HDF5 format. Currently supports following datasets.

  • ILSVRC ImageNet
  • CIFAR 10 and CIFAR 100 Datasets
  • SVHN Dataset

How is it Organized?

Code base is pretty simple. It has a single file for each dataset to preprocess data and save as HDF5 (e.g. for Imagenet we have, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 we have and for SVHN we have Then I also have several python scripts that can be used to visualize the saved data (e.g. ImageNet - Please refer to my blog post for a detailed explanation.

Accessing and Loading Data Later

You can access this saved data later as:

dataset_file = h5py.File("data" + os.sep + "filename.hdf5", "r")
train_dataset, train_labels = dataset_file['/train/images'], dataset_file['/train/labels']
test_dataset, test_labels = dataset_file['/test/images'], dataset_file['/test/labels']

Tests to Conduct

  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 10 with zero-mean unit-variance - OK
  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 100 with zero-mean unit-variance - OK
  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 10 with zero-mean -
  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 100 with zero-mean -
  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 10 with unit-variance -
  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 100 with unit-variance -
  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 10 with Resize - OK
  • Check preprocess_cifar for CIFAR 100 with Resize - OK
  • Check SVHN - OK
  • Check Imagenet from Start - OK
  • Check Imagenet with crash in middle
  • Check test_saved_cifar for CIFAR 10 with zero-mean unit-variance - OK
  • Check test_saved_cifar for CIFAR 100 with zero-mean unit-variance - OK
  • Check test_saved_cifar for CIFAR 10 with zero-mean -
  • Check test_saved_cifar for CIFAR 100 with zero-mean -
  • Check test_saved_cifar for CIFAR 10 with unit-variance -
  • Check test_saved_cifar for CIFAR 100 with unit-variance -