
Library for accessing gamepads in modern browsers.

  • Works with modern browsers and has mappings to many controllers.
  • Very easy to add mappings to new controllers.
  • Lightweight.
  • Includes settings for deadzone and maximization.
  • Simple event-based system.
  • Includes state change events.
  • Minimal working example provided.
  • Does not depend on any other library.
  • Includes minimized version.

How to use

  • Include the library.
	<script src="gamepad.js"></script>
  • Create an instance of the Gamepad class.
	var gamepad = new Gamepad();
  • Bind to the events
	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.CONNECTED, function(device) {
		// a new gamepad connected

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.DISCONNECTED, function(device) {
		// gamepad disconnected

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.UNSUPPORTED, function(device) {
		// an unsupported gamepad connected (add new mapping)

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.BUTTON_DOWN, function(e) {
		// e.control of gamepad e.gamepad pressed down
	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.BUTTON_UP, function(e) {
		// e.control of gamepad e.gamepad released

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.AXIS_CHANGED, function(e) {
		// e.axis changed to value e.value for gamepad e.gamepad

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.TICK, function(gamepads) {
		// gamepads were updated (around 60 times a second)
  • Initilize the gamepads
	if (!gamepad.init()) {
		// Your browser does not support gamepads, get the latest Google Chrome or Firefox
  • Try the working example in index.html for more tips