
Explore NASA expoplanet archive; correlations between solar system planets and suns

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Explore NASA expoplanet archive; correlations between solar system planets and suns

Possible Objectives:

  1. Use a fisher's test to find the correlation between the number of stars and the number of planets in a solar system
  2. Complete a colineaity test between the mass and the temperature of the planet, and check if it adheres to theoretical ideals
  3. Discover how the size and distance of planets discovered planets changed over time. User a best-fit model to predict the average size and distance in 2030


  1. Research theoretical models of covarience between the mass and temperature of a planet, select one
  2. Compare the colinearity test to the theoretical model, create a plot showing both the actual data and the theoretical model
  3. Discuss implications of the results, does the data support or contradict the theoretical model; what are the boundaries of the errors?

Hypothesis Selection:

The average temperature of binary star, 1 planet exoplanets is not statistically different from 1 planet exoplanets with a single star.

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Single sun, single planet exoplanets has a mean temperature of 920.4K Double sun, single planet exoplanets have a mean temperature of 1103.3K A Welche's T-Test demonstrated that these two sets ARE statistically different, and that a second sun is correlated with a higher mean planet temperature. The likely hood of this happening by chance is extermely small, with a p-value of 5.372188108099737e-07.