
A minimal example of deploying an sklearn model in a FastAPI server.

Primary LanguageHTML


Code examples for my PyCon tutorial, Building a Model Prediction Server. Slides for that tutorial are here.

How This Repo Is Organized

The tutorial is divided into four sections, and the code that we'll write in each section is captured in the corresponding app-section-N folder. That is, app-section-2 contains the state of the project after we've finished sections 1 and 2 of the tutorial.

Additionally, to make it easier to see what changes are made between each step, there are HTML files in the diffs/ folder to illustrate the differences between each section. diffs/1.html shows the code we add in section 1, etc.

The Dataset

We're using the Iris dataset, a very common example in data science. Our goal is to create a model to predict the type of flower based on the measurements of its petals and sepals.

This turns out to be very easy, but I chose this dataset because:

  1. It has relatively few features. Our goal here is to see how to deploy a model behind an API -- and having many features, while more realistic, just means more code to write without any additional educational value.
  2. It doesn't require feature engineering. Again, this is a little bit unrealistic, but allows us to avoid writing code that's unrelated to the model deployment process.

I may include a more complex example in the future, for reference purposes.

The Model

I've pretrained a linear regression model and stored it in Dropbox.

You can download it with this link. If you want to verify its hash, to make sure it's the file you expect before unpickling it, run:

md5 iris_regression.pickle

You should get an md5 hash of ca76ff2631132e4ec5841a2b798534ca.

You can see how this model was trained in the notebooks/train_model.ipynb notebook. There's nothing interesting in there and it's not meant to follow best practice; it's just a quick and dirty way to get a model we can use in our API.

Running the server

We deploy the model via a FastAPI server. Before we can run it, we need to install our "app" package that contains all the source code for our API.

cd app-section-4
# Create and empty venv
python3 -m venv venv
# Activate the new venv
source venv/bin/activate  # or `.\venv\Scripts\activate` on windows
# Install our package and its dependencies
pip install -e .

Then to start the application, just run:

uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8000

Note that you'll need to be in a directory that has an api folder, so if you're using this repo you'll need to enter one of the subfolders first (e.g. app-section-4).

Fetching Predictions

If the API server is running at http://localhost:8000, then the following should work in a local Python session:

>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.post(
...     "http://localhost:8000/predict",
...     json={
...         "sepal_width": 1,
...         "sepal_length": 1,
...         "petal_length": 1,
...         "petal_width": 1,
...     },
... )
>>> response.status_code
>>> response.json()
{'flower_type': 0}

Poetry and setup.cfg

I initially set up this full repository with Poetry, since it's what I use for application development, but each individual app-section-N folder is set up to be installed as a package with its own dependencies (pip install -e .) using a setup.cfg file. To dump the poetry requirements, you can run poetry export --without-hashes --format=requirements.txt but a little bit of format-massaging is required to get them in the right form for setup.cfg.