
Random little Arduino projects

Primary LanguagePostScript


This is a random collection of little Arduino projects I've been working on.


  • ButtonBlink :: Pushing the button (debounced) toggles the blink rate of the LED on pin 13.


These use a pair of flexible LED strips (from Adafruit http://www.adafruit.com/products/285) wired via MOSFETS (see http://www.ladyada.net/products/rgbledstrip/#usage) to PWM pins 3, 5, and 6 for the one string and PWM pins 9, 10, and 11 for the other).

  • DualRGBInterface :: The hardware interface between the Arduino, Proto Shield, and two strings of LED lights.

  • MultiRGB :: Cycle between colors. This is the example program for the string of RGB LEDs, but modified to work against my dual-strings.

  • MultiRGB2 :: More fancy cycle between colors, Halloween themed -- reds, oranges, greens, purples.

  • SerialRGB :: Take an integer red, green, and blue value from the serial port and set the LED colors based on that. Useful for choosing and fine-tuning colors.