This repository is a Challenge to take place from 1st March to 29th May 2023. The objective is to take an absolute beginner in tech from zero to having the knowledge required for most entry level jobs in Data Analytics.
We are challenging ourselves to get into tech through data anslytics. This was created so that as a community we can learn together, keep a journey our learning progress daily, and support each other to stay consistent and motivated to the end.
- Fork[] the Repo.
- Everyday add your learnings in the folder corresponding to each day.
- Check in with others to see how they are making progress and help/learn from them.
- Showcase your learnings on LinkedIn / Twitter/ Discord
- Your consistency and community support might make you win some AWS vouchers / credits
Below are the community Links.
- YouTube Channel:
- Discord Channel:
- WhatsApp Group:
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter:
YouTube Challenge Plasylist: TBA
Upcoming webinar: TBA