Hello World! 🌎 ...The purpose of this repository is to provide employers with a comprehensive list of my programming experience.
This project contains the course work from Database Structures in the mobile development degree program.
ASSIGNMENT 1: Basic Queries
ASSIGNMENT 2: Relationships
ASSIGNMENT 3: Functions/Advance Selects
Assignment 4 - Normalization
Assignment 5 - Database Users
Assignment 6 - C# Binding
Assignment 7 - Creating Functions in SQL and C#
Assignment 8 - Creating Procedures in SQL and C#
Assignment 9 - Database Architecture
Course Summary: In the Database Structures course, students will learn how to access and process stored data and become familiar with the benefits that creating database structures can provide in regard to such concepts as data optimization and table normalization. Students will also explore the differences between relational and nonrelational databases.
This project contains the course work from project and portfolio 1 in the mobile development degree program.
Assessment - DVP1: Brief description of refactoring
Assignment - Find The Errors: For this assignment, you will be taking an existing file and finding and fixing all of the errors in it. The ability to debug and fix code is just as important as being able to write code. Take special care though, so errors are not kinds that will stop your code, they can be logic errors as well or trying to do the math that does not make sense for what you are trying to do!
Assignment - Custom Class: For this assignment, you will be working with classes and objects. You will be creating a class that contains: member variables, at least one constructor, getters and setters, and methods to make changes to the object or its fields.
Assignment: Impact of Version Control
Progress Check 1 - This assignment outlines requirements for the first progress check. This month your Project & Portfolio work will include code using the C# language. At the end of this course you will create a formal video presentation to demonstrate your code and what you have accomplished this month.
Code Exercise_01: Menu - Provide a means for the user to select and run any of the other completed coding challenges.
Code Exercise_02: Swap Name - A string exercise that reverses the order of user entered information.
Code Exercise_03: Backwards - A string exercise that completely reverses the order of user entered information.
Code Exercise_04: Age Convert - A number exercise that will convert a user's age into days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Code Exercise_05: Temp Convert - A number exercise that converts between temperature scales.
Code Exercise_06: Big Blue Fish - An array exercise that gathers information about a particular fish
Code Exercise_07: Validation - Refactor of application to perform your challenge validations using the external validation class.
Research: Version Control
Course Summary: The Project and Portfolio I: Development course combines hands-on learning experiences with summative and formative portfolio assessments. This course explores the various production workflows, programming methodologies, and logical approaches to business solutions for planning and executing technical projects.
The SDI folder contains:
Code Exercise_01: Creating Output
Code Exercise_02: Input and Output
Code Exercise_03: Create a Conditional
Code Exercise_04: Loops
Code Exercise_05: Create a Validation Method
Code Exercise_06: Lists
Code Exercise_07: String Objects
Project_01: Create a Sales Receipt
Project_02: Data Entry
Project_03: Console Calculator
Project_04: Synthesis
Course Summary: The Scalable Data Infrastructures course teaches students the fundamental concepts and strategies needed for programming. In this course, students will examine the foundations of programming, including syntax, structures, and data.
The Project Atlas folder contains the code repository for my game design final project
- In this 4 month project our team created a top town adventure game using the Unity game engine.
This project contains self taught learning of JavaScript.
Assessment -
Assignment -
Assignment -
Progress Check 1 -
Code Exercise_01:
Code Exercise_02:
Code Exercise_03:
Code Exercise_04:
Code Exercise_05:
Code Exercise_06:
Code Exercise_07:
Research: JavaScript Basics
Course Summary:
Full Sail BS Game Design alumni. I put my mobile development degree on hold when I was given a job offer.
Portland, Oregon based developer. I am currently looking for work in any area of the development field.
LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-heenan/
Millitary Veteran and Jiu Jitsu purple belt.