Backend API service for One Time Password generation.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The preferred IDE of choice is IntelliJ, although any other editor or IDE can be used for development.
This is the build tool that is used to handle dependencies and configurations. You can use the gradle wrapper (for UNIX based systems) or gradlew bat for Windows based systems to handle dependency management and tasks. This wrapper will handle using the correct version for the project. However, gradle itself can still be downloaded and used(just use version 4.9+ :D )
Kotlin is the preferred language used to build this service due to its interoperability with Java as well as the added features it comes bundled with. However, since it compiles down to Java which will then run on JVM, you need to have JAVA_HOME set up on your local development machine. Install Java onto your local development environment. You can easily install Java and Kotlin with a nifty tool sdkman which will handle all that for you.
Docker will handle building an image for this service which will be used in the production environment to build containers. This allows us to create a deployable and easily configurable application that can run on any environment(well, almost).
Getting up and running should be a simple step. Ensure you have the following setup:
Dependencies installed using gradle:
This can be done as follows:
./gradlew check
This is a verification task, however, if this is the first time running any gradle task, the dependencies will be downloaded and and set in the gradle home directory for caching(this will be located in the .gradle directory of you user home)
These should get you setup and up and running.
There are 3 types of tests that can be run; unit tests
, integration tests
& end to end tests
. These can be run
like below:
./gradlew unittests
Will run unit tests
./gradlew integrationtests
Will run integration tests, ensure that you have Docker installed, as this will require docker to run.
Lastly, end to end tests. In order to run this kind of test, the database has to be running. This can be run using Docker or using a local installation of the database. This example uses docker:
docker compose up -d
./gradlew e2e
This will run End to end tests. Or the
docker compose up
command can be run in a separate terminal session.
All tests can be run however, using the below command:
docker compose up -d
./gradlew test
Run a test coverage report with:
./gradlew jacocoTestReport
Generates a coverage report with JaCoCo
First you need to have a running mysql instance. This can be done using docker-compose
$ docker-compose up
Then you can run the application using the bootRun
task provided by the Spring plugin.
$ ./gradlew :app:run
The jdk version used is 11.0
To check quality, maintainability & vulnerability of the code, SonarQube has been used to scan. This is done with the help of SonarQube's Gradle Plugin. To test this locally, there is a docker-compose file that can start a local installation of SonarQube in a Docker container.
Start this with:
docker-compose --profile sonar up
Note, ensure you have docker-compose already installed
Afterwards in the root of the project run:
./gradlew sonarqube
This will then generate the report on SonarQube which can be accessed here(assuming you have a running docker container of SonarQube.
Local credentials are:
username: admin
password: admin
Detailed instructions on architecture can be found here