Demonstration MATLAB code for particle tracking with HYCOM model output posted to THREDDS Data Servers (TDS). The default url is
This code uses nctoolbox to access and extract variables from urls. You can get nctoolbox from Either download as a zip file or clone in Desktop. Then, add the path to MATLAB and run the setup code, something like:
addpath('/nctoolbox') setup_nctoolbox;
HycomTrackerPrep - Builds velocity arrays and fake HYCOM grid. Default subregion is Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, surface velocities. The default HYCOM URL is
HycomTrackerIC - Generates initial particle locations. Default is a square patch off the TX/MEX border. User can edit/enhance as needed.
HycomTracker - This converts lon/lat coords to cartesian, calls drog2ddt, and inverts the projected particle locations back to lon/lat.
There are other supporting codes that handle grid structures and coordinate projections.
% First step: generate the velocity arrays from HYCOM and fake HYCOM/finite element grid. % [V,G]=HycomTrackerPrep; % Then, build initial condition/locations: IC=HycomTrackerIC; % Pass to drog2ddt, through HycomTracker handler: R=HycomTracker(V,G,IC); % Then, make plots of R.lon and, etc... % Subtract 360 from longitude to get it in the range -180->180; note the transpose. url=''; plot(R.lon'-360,') % plot the trajectories axis('equal') line(R.lon(:,1)-360,,1),'Marker','.','Color','k','LineStyle','none') % plot the initial positions % plot some coastline data, if you have it. If you have the mapping toolbox, then: c=load('coast'); % note that this data is already in the range -180->180 line(c.long,,'Color','k') axis([-99 -75 16 34]) title({'Trajectories in HYCOM Surface Velocity',url,[datestr(V(1).time,2) ' thru ' datestr(V(end).time,2) ]},'Interpreter','none')
Here's an example plot: