In this problem we are passing a number (n) into a function. Your code will determine if the number passed is even (or not). The function needs to return either a true or false. Numbers may be positive or negative, integers or floats. Floats are considered UNeven for this problem.
This repository contains two files:
- - This includes the code for the Number class, and is the file that you will modify.
- - This is the JUnit Test class for the problem. It contains tests that will tell you if your problem is working or not.
- Right click on and select Run As... JUnit Test
- Review the issues raised, and correct the code as needed.
- Continue running the Tests until all tests pass.
- Once all tests are passing, commit your changes. (Changes are now in your local repository)
- Push your local changes to the GitHub repository. (Changes are now in your local repository and in your personal GitHub repository)
- Create a pull request. This will send a request to the owner of the repository that you forked from to pull your changes into their "upstream" repository.
- All Done!