- Fork this repository from https://github.com/hub-ology/video_village
- Install Python 3.5+ from https://www.python.org/downloads/ (if you don't already have it)
- In your project directory, set up a new virtual environment for your work:
pyvenv venv
- activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- install the project requirements into the virtual environment:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
- run the project's migrations to get a local sqlite database established:
python manage.py migrate
- Create an administrative user for local use and development:
python manage.py createsuperuser
- run a server to begin working with the project locally at http://localhost:8000 :
python manage.py runserver
Before submitting a pull request, please ensure tests pass locally. Also add new tests when incorporating new functionality or changing existing behavior.
python manage.py test
MIT See LICENSE for details.