Shao-Huang's BlackJack(SHBJ) Game in command line mode ====================================================== Overview -------- The BlackJack game is based on a popular card game: "Black Jack". This game is not as complex as the real "Black Jack" game. For example, the real game has the following rules: 1. Dealer must hit soft 17 2. Multiple players and positions 3. Player is allowed to split 4. Player is allowed to use insurance strategy In "MY" game design, the rules are simple: 1. Dealer must hit soft 17 2. Only one player versus dealer 3. Player is not able to split 4. Player is not able to have insurance strategy 5. The maximum bet allowed is 5000, the minimum bet allowed is 50 6. Player input his initial cash amount in the beginning of the game 7. Player input his bet in the beginning of each round Object-Oriented Game Design: ---------------------------- The command line game is written in C++. The major components are: Card class: used to represent cards in the game. Deck class: used to shuffle the cards and store the cards Player class: represent a player and his possible actions, also his game states Dealer class: It is a kind of Player, but behaves a little bit different Game class: Handles the init, round_play, round_init, round_end of a game Compilation and Build: ---------------------- The game is developed under the Xcode(3.2.2 64-bit) version and built and tested under Debug|x86_64 environment. It has a project file: shbj.xcodeproj. The file can be read into Xcode IDE and build the project Card notations in texts: ------------------------ The original cards divides in 4 suits: SPADES, HEARTS, DIAMONDS, CLUBS And 13 different ranks: ACE, 2, 3, ... , 10, JACK, QUEEN, KING My program will display a card using: suit(rank) notation. For example: CLUBS(3), CLUBS(ACE), SPADES(JACK) ... etc.