
ESP32 Unit Test App for ESP-IDF

Primary LanguageC


Make sure you have esp-idf setup correctly with all the normal paths required for it to run.

I like to have all my third-party components in a single third-party-components folder; if you do this, create a symbolic link between the components folder in this project and that third-party-components directory. An alternative is to add that path to the EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS in the Makefile.


make menuconfig

you must specify the included partition table. Also disable

Watch CPU0 Idle Task

How to run a unit test

make flash TEST_COMPONENTS='${COMPONENT_NAME}' monitor

COMPONENT_NAME is dictated by the component's folder name.


Thanks to mh-dev and his repo for outlining the steps necessary. For some reason I had to mess with the partition table to get anything working, so I included those files in this repo. You may have to fiddle with the sdkconfig by running

make menuconfig

and adjust things such as xtal freq.