
Unable to pip install from the local folder after `poetry build --format sdist`.

Closed this issue · 11 comments

More details can be found in this issue: mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning#126 on the last comment made by myself.

Thank you.

Let's keep the discussion over here since this is unrelated to mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning#126.

Did you follow the template instructions? It appears your project is not using git or doesn't have a .git folder.

if you can share your repo, I can investigate.

Thank you for your kind offer.

This is the repository. I had expanded on the file, my goal is to be able to distribute the C extension modules to any user.

I can't get your template working (the bootstrap script doesn't work). Once it's in a working state I can look a lil deeper.

After disabling the testpypi poetry source, it builds and installs fine for me.

After disabling the testpypi poetry source, it builds and installs fine for me.

That's nice! Would you mind sharing what were the commands you ran?

Mine were:

poetry build --format sdist
# ./dist/simple_python_template-0.0.0.tar.gz is created
python -m pip install dist/simple_python_template-0.0.0.tar.gz

same commands work on my machine.

I am still facing the same problem sadly!

when building the resulting tar should look like:

$ ls -alh dist/
total 224
drwxr-xr-x@  3 brianpugh  staff    96B Aug  2 09:48 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 26 brianpugh  staff   832B Aug  2 09:37 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 brianpugh  staff   111K Aug  2 09:48 simple_python_template-0.0.0.post13+b2aab4a.tar.gz

closing due to unable to reproduce.