Project Name

Short Project Description

By Brianca Knight

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .Net 6
  • ASP.Net / MVC
  • Entity Framework Core
  • MySQL
  • MySQL Workbench


This is a longer description of the application.

Here is a diagram of the schema structure:

Add Schema Diagram

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repo from

  • In the production sub directory (named ProjectName) create a file named appsettings.json and add the following code to it:

     "ConnectionStrings": {
         "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=[DATABASE_NAME];uid=[USERNAME];pwd=[PASSWORD];"

Make sure to update the string with your own values for [DATABASE-NAME],[USERNAME] and [PASSWORD], without square brackets. You can name the database whatever you like.

  • In the terminal run the commands dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 6.0.0 and dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design -v 6.0.0 to download the tools dotnet-ef that will create migrations and update your database.

  • To create a data migration for the database, initialize with dotnet ef migrations add Initial in your terminal. This should create a Migrations folder in the production subdirectory of your project.

  • To add subsequent migrations run the command dotnet ef migrations add [AddExamplePriority] You can name the migration whatever you like, however it is common to start with a verb and use upper camel case. Remember to remove the square brackets!

  • Run the following command to update the database. dotnet ef database update.

  • If you would like to remove a migration from the database, run dotnet ef migrations remove.

  • Run the command dotnet watch run to compile and run the application in development mode with a watcher. Optionally, you can run dotnet build to compile without running the app.

  • Open the browser to https://localhost:5001 to use the application.

Known Bugs

  • None.


License: MIT

Copyright (c) 2023 Brianca Knight