
Generative NFT where the features are represented by actual device readings using Pebble Tracker IoT data

Demo (Screenshots)

Coming soon

Demo (video click on image to open)

Deployments (Contracts- IOTEX Testnet)

  1. IOTNFT -
  2. TokenContract -

Deployments (DApp)

  2. (This works more consitently)

Customize configuration

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Running contracts locally

Please ensure you have an instance of ganache running on port 8546 (Although embark does spin up an instance this is just to make importing accounts to metamask easier copy pasting private keys etc)

  1. cd into contracts
  2. run yarn start
  3. running tests yarn test

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint


Still need to do a better job at unit testing the smartcontract

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.