
Authoring tool for TTL files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Tested on Google Chrome v87.0

Live Demo

Note: This is a static website and does not store any turtle files. Instead, it uses a cors proxy to load the graph data from a remote URL. If it takes too long to load or if your data is sensitive, avoid using the URL input and use file uploads instead.


You can host it using any static server.

Using Python

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Using Node.js

npm install http-server -g


  • Parses and generates a visual representation of any remote RDF resource.
  • Supports the following RDF formats: Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N- - Quads, and Notation3 (N3).
  • Identifier based search.
  • Type-based search.
  • Adjustable node size/ link width.
  • Dark Mode.
  • Scroll to zoom.
  • Constraint layout for acyclic graphs.
  • Graphs can be edited (Create/Update/Delete nodes or links).
  • Unique colors/shapes based on node/link type.
  • Download the modified file at any point.
  • Collapsible nodes.
  • Option to export analysis.
  • Hide instances (only shows classes)
  • Multiline labels (disable to increase performance)


Loading an RDF document:

Select one of the TTL URLs available in the dropdown menu or enter your own file URL.

Note: The time taken to analyze and render a graph depends on the size of the TTL file, the configuration and most importantly - your machine’s performance.

What to expect:

  • The time taken to download, analyze and process depends on your connection speed, the size of the file, the configuration and most importantly - your machine’s performance. You should be able to see a blank viewer after this process is complete.

  • After some time, the viewer will show you tiny node(s) which are the building(s) in the graph.

Node details:

If you hover over a node instance, it’ll show a tooltip below your pointer that tells you [ type of the node : name of the node : number of outdegrees it has ]

Outdegrees: The number of links originating from that node.


To zoom into a node, move your pointer near the node and scroll up. For zoom out, use the scroll down. Alternatively, you can use the zoom in/out buttons on the top right corner.

What to expect:

  • Once a node is large enough, it displays a number on it. This number represents the outdegree. If you don’t see any number, it means that you’re looking at a leaf node (outdegree = 0).

  • When the node is large enough to fit in its name, the outdegree is not displayed.


To move around, click an empty space and drag the canvas in the desired direction.

Note: Often a combination of zooming and panning helps in navigating faster.

Looking at the other nodes:

Root Elements button: This button will collapse all the nodes first and then show only the root nodes (indegree = 0).

Expand All button: This button will expand all the nodes.

Changing the node size:

Use the node size slider on the left. This quantity is measured in terms of sq. pixels. The default value is 6.

Note: Clicking on the node size indicator will reset its value.

Changing the link width:

Use the node size slider on the left. The default value is 0.4.

What to expect:

  • The link width remains visually constant across various zoom levels.

  • The link arrow size will automatically resize accordingly.

Note: Clicking on the link width indicator will reset its value.


Search can be done based on instance type as well as the ID. To switch between them, use the radio buttons near the Search bar.

What to expect:

  • When you type a string of letters (regex) in the search field, the nodes that match that pattern will be focused automatically.

  • If no nodes match the pattern, the entire graph will be focused._

Exporting Analysis:

The Export Analysis button will let you download the analysis results of the RDF document in JSON format. It contains the following information:

Name Description
uniqueSubjects List of unique subjects in the triples
uniquePredicates List of unique links (predicates)
uniqueObjects List of unique objects in the triples
uniqueTypes List of classes whose instances are used
totalNodes Total number of nodes in the document
undefinedNodes Nodes for which the type is not defined
uniquePrefixes IRIs of all the prefixes in the document
selfLinks List of triples in which subject = object
typeCount Number of instances present of a certain type
totalTypesOfNodes Total number of unique types
predicatesCount Number of links present of a certain type
totalTypesOfPredicates Total number of unique predicates
triplesCount Total number of triples in the document


Opening/Closing the Editor:

Click on the “Edit” button located on the top right corner of the viewer to open or close the editor.

Adding a new node:

Click on an empty space on the graph to create a new node at that point. The node/link will be marked as selected (translucent border)


  • Click on a node. If you notice a dark translucent border around it => the node is selected. The node name and node type can be seen on the details pane (right side)

  • Click on a link. If you see an increase in its width => link is selected. The link name and its namespace can be seen on the details pane.

Updating node/link details:

To update the details, edit the name/type field on the details pane and hit ENTER to update.

Deleting node/link:

To delete a link, select the link and press DELETE. To delete a node, select the node and press **DELETE/88. Note: Deleting a node/link will find and delete all the triples associated with it.

Downloading the modified document:

Click on the Download button to get the modified document.

Configuration Details

Note: Use the gear icon on the top right corner of the homepage to view or update the configuration. The configuration must be a valid JSON object { }.


List of predicates that you don’t want to work with (visualize). Example: Hiding the “type” predicate which makes the graph messy and confusing. Improves the performance of the interactive force graph.


List of types of instances that you don’t want to work with (visualize). Example: Hiding all the “points” when you’re not working with them. Improves the performance of the interactive force graph.


Helps BrickStudio to identify the undefined instances.


  • subject predicate object. :: somePoint label thingY. We can define the “objects” in a triple containing the label predicate as labels

  • subject predicate object. :: thingX a thingY. We can say that thingY must be a class and thingX is an instance of the thingY class


Used to define similar/inverse relationships.


            "relationship": "https://brickschema.org/schema/1.0.1/BrickFrame#hasPart",
            "similar": [
            "inverse": [

This will find and replace all the similar triples [ A -> similar -> B] with [A -> relationship ->B] and all inverse relations [A -> inverse -> B] with [B -> relationship -> A]

excludeSelfLinks (WIP):

Use this to exclude self links from the operation.

allowOtherParentsToCollapse :

Set this to false if you don’t want all parent nodes to be able to collapse a child node even when some other parent expanded it.