README for BrickUtils This is an utility for MOC builder. It was actively developed from 2012 to 2015. I don't have much time, so I put last release here. Feature list: * Imports LDD project file (LXF or LXFML) * Imports BrickLink set inventory, store inventory, order inventory * Imports LDraw file format (MPD or LDR) * Manage your collection of bricks, sets and bulk lots * Display brick shape in 3D (from LDraw part library) * Checks if you can build a model (from LDD, LDraw or a BrickLink set) against your brick catalog, and helps you to find alternate bricks * Exports BrickLink "Wanted Mass Upload" XML file, to buy bricks on BrickLink * Exports lists in printable HTML to helps pick bricks from your collection (a bill of materials) * Exports wanted lists in user-defined format via templates (see manual) * New releases check at startup * Database update via Internet * Imports and exports your bricks and sets catalog in XML format, for backup and upgrades * Faster full text search in BrickLink and LDraw databases * "Can Build?" function now includes an "export" button to create a wanted mass upload file from missing bricks, accepted by BrickLink It depends on some other packages: - SimpleGeometry - AppSettings - DBConnector - BrickLinkLib - BusyDialog - LDrawLib - LDraw3D All these are here on GitHub.