
This dataset corresponds to studies performed primarily by the Bridges Laboratory (http://bridgeslab.uthsc.edu) on the role of mTORC1 in muscle function, primarily in Drosophila melanogaster.


The following are publications based on these data, along with the version of the dataset at that time.

Publication Dataset Tag
Hatfield, Isabelle, Erika Yates, Lawrence T Reiter and Dave Bridges (2014) The role of dTORC1 on muscle development, function and longevity in Drosophila. F1000 Posters 0.1.0
Hatfield, Isabelle, Innocence Harvey, Erika R. Yates, JeAnna R. Redd, Lawrence T. Reiter and Dave Bridges (2015) The role of TORC1 in muscle development in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 5:9676. doi:10.1038/srep09676 DOI 1.0.0


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