Fix Submission Problems
davebridges opened this issue · 0 comments
davebridges commented
- Any supplementary information (including supplementary tables, supplementary figures and figure legends) should be uploaded as a single pdf file separate from the manuscript file, clearly marked with the manuscript title and author list.
- Tables should be included at the end of your text document after the references, in and editable Word or TeX/LaTeX format as appropriate.Please note, they do not need to be uploaded separately.
- Please include the corresponding authors email address on the title page.
- Please note that books should be referenced as follows: "Smith, J. [Chapter title if appropriate] How to reference books [Smith, S. (ed.)] [180-181](Macmillan, London, 2013)." The chapter title, page range and editor(s) in square brackets should only be included if appropriate.
- Submissions are required to include an Author contribution statement. For example: "A.B. and C.D. wrote the main manuscript text and E.F. prepared figures 1-3. All authors reviewed the manuscript." This should be included in the manuscript after the references. (Note: Every author must be included in this statement, using initials rather than full names). Please see the following for more information: