
Scientific Software Development Project: Lattice Boltzmann Method for Fluid Simulations

Primary LanguagePython

kaLB = kaum ausgereiftes Lattice Boltzmann

This repository contains the fluid dynamics simulation software kaLB. It is part of the course scientific software development.


  • Sven Brieden
  • Simon Schmitt

kaLB uses the lattice boltzmann method to compute a 2DQ9 fluid dynamics simulation. The user is able to specify a simulation using a .json inputfile. kaLB then processes this input, performs a simulation and returns a hdf5 file containing the macroscopic values density and velocity during simulation steps. In addition the user can use picture output and snapshots; all of them at required output frequencies.

One can choose from four different boundary conditions including bounce-back (a.k.a. no-slip) and Zou-He. furthermore the user can specify arbitrary obstacles and can even import pictures that kaLB will use as obstacles.

Besides this functionality kaLB provides an extra script to create short videos from generated hdf5 files.

Installation & Quick Start

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine:

Clone repository
$ git clone git@git.physik.uni-marburg.de:Sven_Brieden/LBM_for_Fluid_Simulations.git

Change directory to repo's root and run:

$ python setup.py install

All dependencies should be installed automaticly

Run your first simulation

Change directory to examples folder and run:

$ python ./../src/kaLB.py -i kaLB_example.json

wait until kaLB has done it's job!

Output & Video

Your output data will be located at ./output/. Run:

$ python ./../src/hdf5_to_mpeg.py -i ./output/kaLB_example_raw_data.hdf5

kaLB will create a short Video of your first Simulation!

This should get you going. For a more detailed explanation on how to use kaLB refer to the documentation!


The documentation should provide you with all the necessary information you may need about kaLB.

To build the documentation navigate to the repos root directory and run:

$ pip install .['doc']
$ python setup.py build_sphinx

The documentation is now located in ./doc/build/html/index.html

If you don't want or you are not abel to build your own documentation you can use the following link: kaLB-doku @ readthedocs