AVSB App for Apple/iOS

AVSB is the Anti Virus Sound Bubble, a system to measure the distance between any two persons (each holding an AVSB device) using ultrasound signals.

The AVSB App component is an App that can connect to the device to set it up and download data.

The AVSB System consists of the following components:

  • AVSB Device -- a small, light and wearable personal device that autonomously measures the distance to other devices
  • AVSB App -- an App for Apple/iOS and Andriod that can connect to the device to set it up and download data
  • AVSB Cloud -- a scalable cloud-based (AWS and Azure) application for management of AVSB accounts, cryptographic keys and central database

This repo will soon contain the design documents and source code and all you need to build this system on your own.

More info on our website (not much at the moment): http://sound-bubble.nl/