
HID attacks, supercharged.

Primary LanguagePython

Note: HiddenHID is currently being rewritten in Rust

This will result in faster speeds and MUCH smaller binary sizes, but will take time. The old Python version will be preserved on the Python branch.


HiddenHID is a Tkinter program that makes an invisible window with a text box. Anything typed into the text box will be run invisibly in a terminal via the Subprocess library - effectively, this makes an invisible terminal app!

As the name implies, HiddenHID is intended for HID attacks, so that terminal commands can be run without the user seeing anything appear on their screen. It is cross-platform, but I'm adding platform-specific features that use the OS to make HiddenHID even more hidden (see below).

HiddenHID also has several built-in "shortcut" commands. They help automate long tasks. See below for more info.

macOS-Specific Features

  • Binaries are named "Finder" and copy Finder's menus, making it look like the Finder app is open
  • When HiddenHID launches, it makes all terminals invisible with AppleScript
  • When HiddenHID closes, it force-quits all terminals with AppleScript

Windows-Specific Features

  • The app doesn't appear in the app/task bar, so there's no sign that HiddenHID is actually running (minus Task Manager)

Linux-Specific Features

So many things change depending on the distro, I'm not sure if I'll ever add Linux-specific features. If I do, they will come after the Windows ones.

Shortcut Commands

When typing a command into HiddenHID, you can type a shortcut name instead to run that shortcut.

macOS Shortcuts:


Format: wallpaper <url>

This shortcut downloads the image, saves it to a file, sets it as the wallpaper, and then deletes the file.


Format: volume <amount>

This shortcut sets the computer's volume to the provided value (from 0-10).


Format: mute

This shortcut sets the computer's volume to 0.

Universal Shortcuts:


Format: curl <url> <fileID>

This shortcut doesn't actually use cURL (it uses the Requests library). Downloaded files are stored as temporary files with Python's tempfile module (this should make them harder to detect). The file can be accessed again with the file shortcut.


Format: file <fileID> <action>

This shortcut can access files downloaded with the curl shortcut. Just provide the same name/id to <fileID> as the one in the curl shortcut, and you can do one of the following actions:

  • run: Run the file
  • More coming soon (yeah, I know, only one action right now - just gimme time to add more :P)