

Backend expects a mongodb. Connection parameters are read from /config.js

unique constraint

There should never be multiple claims for one address. This can be enforced on database level by creating a unique index on the address field. Execute the following command in the mongo shell:

db.claiminfos.createIndex({"address": 1}, {unique: true})



Returns timestamps for registration and claim phases

GET /registrationInfo


Returns the leaf of the merkletree for the provided address.

GET /claimInfo/<address>

This returns a string that should be parsed into a JSON object.



"leaf" contents parsed into JSON:

    "index": 0,
    "address": "0x107D1198854fbbcB2E1014c3FFAb166b2595586a",
    "amount": {
      "type": "BigNumber",
      "hex": "0xe91a7cd19fa3b00000"
    "proof": [


Get info about an address:

  • What is preferred chainId for payouts
  • What amount is expected to be available in the next claimperiod

GET /address/<address>

Change preferred chainId:

Requires a signed message to proof ownershop of address.

POST /address/<address>

Expected post payload:

  "chainId": 123,
  "signature": "signature string"

Utility scripts

/scripts folder contains two scripts:


Use this to set the timestamps for

  • end of current registration
  • start of next claim phase
  • start of next registration phase


Use this to set the expected amount claimable for an an address in the next claim period.

To run the scripts use ts-node.

Example: ts-node scripts/setNextAmount.ts 0xc44E4c49Ffa5Db98CA52770dff3e371ECB01f2D9 16000000000000000000