Brightcove Learning Services: Sample Proxy Apps

The Brightcove Platform APIs are generally not CORS-enabled, meaning that you cannot access them directly from a web app like the ones that we in Brightcove Learning services create as examples for you to learn from: Platform API Code Samples.

To get around this, all you need to do is route the API requests through a server-side app often called a proxy. The proxy takes the request and other information sent from a web page via JavaScript, gets an access token, makes the API request, and then returns the response to the calling page.

Proxy Archtecture Diagram

For a more detailed look at using a proxy in this way see Using the REST APIs.

This repository currently contains one sample proxy, written in PHP, and modeled closely on the one we use for sample apps.

Overtime, we will add more sample proxies in other languages. If there is a language you would particularly like to see, please let us know and we will prioritize accordingly.

Using the sample proxy

  1. Clone or download the repository
  2. Copy the file bcls-proxy-for-distribution.php to a web server that supports PHP
  3. If you want to embed your client id and secret in the proxy rather than passing them with requests (we recommend that you do this), insert your client id and secret on lines 43 and 44.

Proxies for the OAuth API

The OAuth API is a little different, as it is used to authenticate requests for the other APIs. The two main operations for the OAuth API:

  • Get access token (this request is made in the general proxy discussed above, but we're also including a version here that ONLY returns an access tokey) (oauth-api-proxies/access-token-proxy.php)
  • Create client credentials - this is a rare operation that is generally easier to perform in Studio, but if you want/need to go directly to the API, this request is authenticated using a BC_TOKEN, which is a cookie value set when you login to Studio. A proxy for this operation is included (oauth-api-proxies/proxy-for-getting-client-credentials.php)