
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


IMPORTANT: ReactantCLI is a preview and we'd love any feedback on it.


  • Swift 4.0+
  • CocoaPods


Follow these steps to install ReactantCLI:

  1. download the master branch in zip: https://github.com/Brightify/ReactantCLI/archive/master.zip
  2. unzip the file
  3. in terminal, go into the unzipped directory
  4. run make install

NOTE: The same steps apply to updating.


At this time, ReactantCLI has only one command and that's init. It'll ask you for configuration and then it'll initialize a Reactant project for you.

To use it, run reactant init. After you answer its questions and confirm the configuration, ReactantCLI will create a directory with the new project inside it. It will then proceed to run pod install. After that's completed, the new project will open in Xcode and you can run it.