Caesar Cipher Program

This is a Python program that implements a menu-driven Caesar cipher algorithm with the following operations:

Encrypt Plain Text

Decrypt Cipher Text

Show All Combinations

Show Meaningful Decryptions


The program allows you to perform encryption, decryption, and analysis of text using the Caesar cipher. It provides options to interactively choose the operation you want to perform.


Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download Python from the official website:

To use the nltk library for checking meaningful English words, you need to install it. You can install it using the following command:

pip install nltk

How to Use

Clone or download this repository to your local machine.

Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded files.

Run the program:


The program will display a menu with different options. Choose an option by entering the corresponding number and follow the prompts.


  1. Encrypt Plain Text This option allows you to encrypt plain text using the Caesar cipher. Enter the plain text and a key to perform the encryption.

  2. Decrypt Cipher Text Use this option to decrypt cipher text using the Caesar cipher. Enter the cipher text and the corresponding key to reveal the original message.

  3. Show All Combinations This option displays all 26 possible combinations of decrypting a given cipher text. It shows the decrypted text for each key.

  4. Show Meaningful Decryptions Choose this option to display meaningful decryptions of a cipher text. The program uses the nltk library to check if words in the decrypted text are meaningful English words. It shows the decrypted text, key, and the probability of meaningful words.

  5. Exit Select this option to exit the program.


You can modify the is_english_word function in the file to use a more advanced English word checking mechanism if needed.


This program was created by Brijesh Kumar.